Friday, January 9, 2009

All About Macie ~ Just for Fun!

I love filling these survey things out when I am bored (yes, I'm a nerd), and then I had an idea that it would be really fun to fill one out about Macie!! So here are some of the things you might like to know about my little princess:

The Basics:
Full Name: Macie Renee Gum
Nick Names: Peanut, Princess, Mace, Mace-face, Macer, Monkey, Buddah, Sunshine, Snugglebug, Ne-Ne (short for Renee, my middle name)
Birthdate: June 7, 2007
Hair: very dark, with a little redish tint
Eyes: hazel-just like my mommy's
Pets: Buster, my puppy
Siblings: none yet... maybe someday...

My Favorites:

Drinks: Soy milk, water, soda when I'm allowed a special treat
Foods: any pasta! and sandwiches. I love carbs!
Songs: I really like anything, although I think my favorite is "Hush Little Baby", and anything by Enya. Also, hip-hop because it's fun to dance to! And for Christmas: "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey
Nursery Rhyme: Rock-a-bye Baby
TV Shows: 90210- the original (ok, I don't actually watch the show, but I love the theme song!), Sesame Street, Japanese cartoons
Books: The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big, Hungry Bear; The Belly Button Book; Goodnight Moon; Are You My Mother?
Toys: Rocking Elephant, some really noisy dancing bear toy, Laugh & Learn Puppy, toy cell phone and remote, Winnie the Pooh couch, any empty box or laundry basket, my sock monkey
Outfit: Ivory knit dress (ok, I don't really care what I wear, but it's mommy's favorite)
Place to go: Debbie's (daycare) to play with my boyfriend, and my best friends!
People: Mommy, Daddy, my grandparents, Great-Grandma & -Grandpa B, cousin Mikki, Molly, Abby, and Lissy from daycare, Uncle Lee (well, I'm getting there at least...)
Words: Buster, Mommy, Grandma, Daddy, tickle, more, up, puppy, Abby, No!, Stop!, Macie, Rock-a-bye, Hello, hi, Bye-Bye!

More About Me:

Activities I like: Eating!, Bath time, dancing and singing, photo sessions - I love posing for the camera!, chasing Buster or playing tug of war with him, climbing on everything, brushing my teeth, swinging, rocking, sitting on the couch all by myself, helping fold laundry or load the dishwasher, chewing on everything, opening cupboards, playing on the stairs, giving kisses (finally!!), talking (gee, wonder where I get that!) Activities I don't like: Having my hair washed, diaper changes or changing clothes, bed time or nap time, sitting still, going to the doctor, being held by strangers.
My Interests: music, telling stories, books, animals, dancing
When I grow up I'm going to be: A dentist! This is just a guess on mommy's part, but I love to put my hands in her mouth and play with her teeth. I also like to watch her brush her teeth, and I've started to like brushing my own! I'm such a big girl!
My personality: Spoiled!, very sweet, adorable, silly, Independent!, talk-a-tive, shy (around strangers), flirtatious, full of attitude, determined, clever, sometimes sneaky, most of the time well behaved, stubborn, mischievous.
Future Activities: Ok, so no one knows for sure, but these are mommy's guesses- Golf (b/c daddy will have me out there as soon as I can hold a club!), Dance, Wrestling Cheerleading (Mommy hopes- One day I sat like a w. cheerleader, and mommy got really excited), little league/softball (hopefully I got my daddy's coordination, and not my mom's).

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