Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Wow, I am horrible at blogging. I just always seem to forget to do it! I hope everyone is having a great new year so far and that the holidays were fun and safe! We had a great time, Macie was a lot more fun this year with the presents. She still didn't quite get the hang of opening them, but once they were opened, she just couldn't figure out what to play with! It was so cute watching her bounce around between all her gifts. Of course, her favorite was a box of kleenex that Grandpa John wrapped up. She had such a great time pulling them all out of the box and then stuffing them back in. I'm not sure why anyone spent any money on anything else!! And, thanks to Grandma Kari, she also got plenty of noise makers. Pop-pop and Grandma Teri got her a really cute little kitchen set. She loves carrying around the pots and pans that came with it. She also got a table and chairs set from Grandma and Grandpa Gum, and according to Daddy, she just loves it!! Although it is a little too big for her right now, and Tim said she fell out of one of the chairs, but I told him not to worry, she falls down a lot!

Christmas was also great because we got to spend some time with Uncle Leeballs!! Macie was a little leary of him at first, but not as bad as she was over Thanksgiving. Of course, Jeb had to make it a competition over whom she liked better, him or Lee, and she did choose Jeb. But after a few days of hanging out with her uncle, and him spoiling her like Grandma Kari does, by getting her out of bed when she was crying-against my wishes, btw- she had warmed up to him quite a bit!

We had our six month tube check up at Dr. Wellendorf's office yesterday. It did not go as well as I had hoped- one of the tubes has fallen out, and Macie has started to get ear infections in that ear again. She is on an antibiotic for a week and then we go back in two weeks to have her checked out and discuss putting a tube back in that ear. She has also been having some problems with stuffy noses, and the doctor that we saw thought that it might be a good idea to have her adnoids taken out when they replace her ear tube. Awesome. At least her tonsils still look ok, and we shouldn't have to have those removed as well! The adnoids will add some recovery time onto the tube surgery, but not as bad as it would be if we also took out the tonsils. Poor girl, those ears are really giving her some trouble! But if she starts getting infections like she had before, I definitely think it would be wise to replace the tube that has fallen out. She's already had two in that ear, and they are no fun for her or mommy!

Macie has also become Miss Independent lately! She no longer wants to sit on mommy or gramma's lap, but prefers to sit on the couch or in the chair by herself!! It really is cute, as well as a little sad, because my baby is not really a baby anymore. :( When we were at the doctor's yesterday, she wanted to sit in the chair by herself, just like a big girl. It was precious! I have a picture, but I took it with my telley, and I'm not that great with computers, so it is sideways and I don't know how to fix it. Bear with me!
That's pretty much all that is going on in our lives right now! Thanks for checking on us!

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