Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's snow cold!

Well, Macie got her first chance to really play in the snow! Last year she was just too little, although I did bundle her up and lay her down in it once to get some pictures. So, yesterday I decided it was the perfect day for her first time playing around in the snow. I had her all bundled up, and the poor girl could hardly walk, she looked like the little boy in A Christmas Story. I got her outside and set her down, ready for her to eat some snow and laugh her head off like most little kids do (don't they?), but insetad she started screaming and crying. I guess she is not a fan of the snow either! However, when I took out my camera, because honestly her throwing a fit was pretty precious and I wanted proof of it, she cheered right up. She sure does love having her pictures taken!
After trying to get her to play for a while, and finally giving up, because I don't really like the cold either, we went inside to play with Great-Grandma and -Grandpa Bierman. She found out that she is pretty spoiled over there as well, so I'm sure we will be making plenty of visits!
That's all that is really going on in our lives right now. I've had a terrible cold for the past couple weeks and just caught the flu tonight, lucky me, so I'm going to attempt to get some rest now, although there's no way that will happen until macie goes to bed... Gotta love being a single mom!

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